info rhouma Info Rhouma: Win a significant financial return with the global competition of Tunisia in any country you are. //

السبت، 21 مايو 2016

Win a significant financial return with the global competition of Tunisia in any country you are.

Win a significant financial return with the global competition of Tunisia in any country you are.

Win a significant financial return with the global competition of Tunisia in any country you are.

Profit camel for each participant:
19525 Euros
The competition is pretty easy, it depends on the demands of trading subscription in the sense that each participant has to approve his participation, send him contest the management of five demands Order for distribution to new participants and upon completion of the distribution process remains to reap profits as the first mediator

Further explanation visit


How to participate in the global competition Rbhani:
1: Download and print subscription prove of class requirement because there are two _ a demand Order within Tunisia _ demand Order outside Tunisia

2: Scanning for demand
3: printing requirement
4: Write down the correct information (not mandatory bank account or postal if you my address)

5: Download the financial funds in the order and the wholesale value of 35 €
6: Sign scanning arrived and demand and send them via postal or e-mail

Explanation Post

The competition is pretty easy, it depends on the demands of trading subscription in the sense that each participant has to approve his participation, send him Management

The competition five demands Order for distribution to new participants and upon completion of the distribution process remains to reap profits as the first mediator
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